PHP function to check if a date is a holiday in Lithuania

Here is a simple function for PHP to check if a date, given in standard ISO format (Y-m-d) is a public holiday in Lithuania. I needed one for a project, so here it is for everyone:

 * Checks if a passed date is a public holiday
 * (or weekend) in Lithuania
 * @param bool $weekends – true if you want the function to include weekends
 *    default – false
 * @param string $date – 'Y-m-d' format date (or full ISO 8601 datetime string)
 *    defaults to current date
 * @return bool true (if holiday) or false (not a holiday)

function is_lt_holiday(bool $weekends = false, string $date = null): int
    //date is today if it was not passed to the function
    if (!isset($date)) $date = date('Y-m-d');

    //check if the date is valid
    if (
         strlen($date) < 10
      || !checkdate(substr($date,5,2), substr($date,8,2), substr($date,0,4))
        trigger_error('You should pass a valid date in \'Y-m-d\' format');
        return false;

    $year = substr($date,0,4);
    $mday = substr($date,5,5);
    $easter = date('Y-m-d',easter_date($year));
    $easter2 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($easter . ' +1 day'));
    $public_holidays = [
        '01-01', //new year
        '02-16', //independence day
        '03-11', //restoration of independence day
        substr($easter,5,5), //easter day1
        substr($easter2,5,5), //easter day2
        '05-01', //int worker's day
        '06-24', //summer solstice
        '07-06', //state day
        '08-15', //mary's assumption
        '11-01', //all saints day
        '11-02', //day of the dead
        '12-24', //christmas eve
        '12-25', // christmas day1
        '12-26'  //christmas day2

    if (in_array($mday,$public_holidays)) {
        return true;
    elseif (
       $weekends == true
       && (date('D',strtotime($date)) == 'Sat'
       || date('D',strtotime($date)) == 'Sun')
        return true;
    return false;

And now let’s test it:

echo is_lt_holiday(true);
//today; it depends 🙂
echo is_lt_holiday(false,'2022-01-01');
//returns true
echo is_lt_holiday(false,'2022-01-02');
//returns false
echo is_lt_holiday(false,'2022-01-32');
//returns false and error notice – an impossible date





Atsakymai į “PHP function to check if a date is a holiday in Lithuania”: 2

  1. Rimas avataras

    It would’ve made sense to return a bool instead.

    Also, Easter date checks could have been performed before even splitting the date and checking the whitelist.

  2. Donatas G. avataras

    Hi Rimas, thanks for suggestions, they make perfect sense. What do you think should be the return value in case of wrong date input?

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