Žyma: PHP

  • Enhancing SQlite3 with ICU extension

    Enhancing SQlite3 with ICU extension

    I have been using SQLite3 databases in a few of my projects lately, and liked a lot the simplicity of development using SQLite3. It is so easy when database is a single file, and there is no extra database server to connect to. I liked SQLite3 so much that I have even moved this blog…

  • Asmens kodų tikrinimo priemonė

    Asmens kodų tikrinimo priemonė

    Dalinuosi vienu iš savo projektėlių – asmens kodų tikrinimo priemone, kuri gali kam nors praversti. Joje panaudotas šio tinklaraščio įraše „PHP Function to Validate Lithuanian Personal Identification Number“ aprašyta PHP asmens kodų tikrinimo klasė.

  • Running migrations for Codeigniter 4 via HTTP

    Running migrations for Codeigniter 4 via HTTP

    I did not have command line access on a few of the servers that hosted the projects I was working on. And currently Codeigniter 4 only has documentation on running database migrations / rollbacks / seeds in the command line. Therefore I asked around and made a special controller for the migrations / rollbacks /…

  • PHP Function to Validate Lithuanian Personal Identification Number

    PHP Function to Validate Lithuanian Personal Identification Number

    [Update: here is a service that can be used either in browser or as an API to check multiple personal codes, using the functions described below: https://pr.lapas.info/ak] Below is a simple function for PHP to check if a number is a valid Lithuanian personal identification number. As I made it for Codeigniter 4, it is…

  • PHP function to check if a date is a holiday in Lithuania

    PHP function to check if a date is a holiday in Lithuania

    Here is a simple function for PHP to check if a date, given in standard ISO format (Y-m-d) is a public holiday in Lithuania. I needed one for a project, so here it is for everyone: